Sunday, April 29, 2018

Demo delays...

Hey gang,

So despite my shonen anime-like determination to get these updates done, it just won't be possible to get what I want done between the work needed and some irl stuff I have to take care of. Sorry to disappoint you guys...

The main reason was really that I really increased the update to Renapet's size by a large margin and soon there was 1 extra animation needed, then 3, then 5 and honestly I just bit off more than I can chew, but I tried to make things look either really cool, really sexy or both, so I hope you guys will enjoy them haha A lot of it was trying to get an early concept for the beat em up game going, but outside of the animations needed, there was the host of coding issues needed fixing and things went a lot slower than I wanted them to as usual, and rushing code has never helped me in the long run so I figured it would be best to take it slow and do it properly the first time.

For Getter Graffiti, I'm kind of stuck in a rut with the graffiti sprites. All of them are starting to look lack luster to me since the size for them is kind of irregular and smallish anyways. Even the big spray sprites just look messy to me. Idk, maybe it's just me but it makes it hard to work on since I'm never really satisfied with the result. I'll play around with them more and do some research and see if  I can shape them up to what I want them to be a bit more. There's also still quite a couple of bugs code-wise and it got me thinking that it might be better to restart the project from scratch since I'll have to fix the pixel resolution of the game anyway and most of the code was "Game Jam" code so it's not written the best. I had planned to make the update more small in scale, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be better to fix these issues now rather than keep building on a poor foundation. So the next update will be coming later, but will be a bit more substantial for the game overall and should fix a lot of the annoying issues in the game.

So yeah, unfortunately I won't be able to deliver this week. I actually did get a good foundation for the Rena beat-em-up. I have the combo system working and enemy health hit-stun states, but unfortunately I'm still working on stuff like knock back, proper hit boxes, and things like that. So I'm going to delay the updates to May. I'm not 100% when I'll get them done, but I'll set a hard deadline for the end of the month, and will just try to get them out as early as I can.

But since you all have been so patient with me, I'll throw some WIPs your way of stuff I got in the works. Let me know what you think and if you think anything needs changing since nothing is final yet.
Small mock up of the beat-em-up training area. Also a sand bag for you to practice moves on.

Same without the characters

Small idle anim for Impmon

Rena idle animation WIP. Was originally going to be something more static/ focused since I felt it fit her nature better. But I also wanted something more animated to keep the game's energy up so I tried to compromise and this was the result. Trying to have the breasts swing but not too much. It's not done yet, but let me know what you guys think about it. 

A special scene you can do with Impmon. Was one of the main reasons why I needed extra time haha This will kind of let you know how the other scenes in the game will work. Also gave Rena pink nips. Figured I'd emphasize the nipples in tit focused scenes but keep them more reserved in the other ones (implying they're inverted most of the time). Let me know what you guys think about this and if I should give her more prominent, pink nipples in the higher res vag scene.

A small idea I had that I wanted to turn into an animation. I'm liking how it's turning out and will add a few finishing touches before I start animating. Let me know if you guys notice anything out of the ordinary since I sometimes miss things haha

Another teaser for the Majin 21 set since it's taking half a millennium to finish


I'll be taking a bit of a step back from Renapet and GG just so I don't stress myself out too much. I'm gonna try wrap up the Majin 21 set since I made some good progress on it and it's been hanging over my head so much that I just want to be done with it before I continue working on anything else. Then I'll solidify everything I want from the GG and Renapet updates exactly so I don't overload myself again. Might try to animate that Chloe hip shake anim just for practice too. 

Hopefully everything will go well this time around and sorry once again for having to push back the updates.


  1. Is it just me, or does the Rena idle animation look like her upper body is detached from her lower body?

    1. It is haha it's still a work in progress. I didn't finish the animation when I made the post, but figured it'd give you guys a gist on what it's going to look like. I'll update it's description to make it more clear.

  2. HOLY CRAP! You've been busy! Really amazing stuff man! I'm speechless! O_O Okay, break's over. I need to go Plus Ultra myself now. haha

    1. Thank you for the kind words! Let's keep at it and make some cool stuff! ^-^

  3. Your work is very good, I'll share it with some friends here in my country, Brazil.
