Sunday, January 8, 2017

Cave Story parody sneak peek

Here's a sneak peak of a little Cave Story parody game I'm making. It's gonna be a pretty small game, but it's more of a spring board for some bigger projects I have in the works.

Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Hey everyone!

I'll be using this blog to document the art and games I make featuring NSFW content. I can't say exactly what will be on here yet, but I'll keep you all updated on what I'm making!

I'm still working on a proper avatar, but for now, here's Lucy. She's a space traveler that happens to run into trouble more often than not. I don't know if or how I'll use her in the future, but she'll do for now.

Nice to meet you all and I hope we can have some fun here!