Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 12th weekly update! Workin' on thangs

Hey gang,
Sorry this weekly update was a bit late, but I have quite a bit of info for you guys so let's get to it!

So for Getter Graffiti, I finally settled on a design for the Sprint cop and C.O.P Mech. Since I had her designed already, I also decided to add the female cop back in and start laying out the animation for her.
Here's all the enemies planned for the game so far

Female cop animation layout

Lesbian scenes are kinda difficult for me since they are a bit harder to convey via small pixel, but I think the female cop one came out fine, so I will start animating it soon. 

I might be adding more background elements later down the line. The way these would work is that you would change "stages" after a certain time in the game. In these, the music and background would change and a few more enemies might be added or removed. So it would give me the chance to change up the stages aesthetics a bit and add some variety. I'm not sure if I'll end up doing it or not, but I figured it might be cool for an update  once the game is finished.

For Renapet, I got quite a bit o cosmetic stuff done as well as some more planning for the beat-em-up and more planning for the stats in the game. 

I decided to animate the sex canvas splash I did in the game and give it a white outline to make it look better against the background. It's still a WIP and I still need to figure out how I'll animate the tail, but I wanted to let you guys check it out and tell me what you think.

I started doing a mock up of how the beat-em-up would work and while it's mostly going to be a small thing that I'll most like stick to using "programmer art" for ( I'm actually using Renamon sprites from the GBA Digimon fighting game) I decided I'd start laying out the attack animations for it. I started doing the jab which would be the first attack you could do from the combo chart I posted before. It's also still WIP, but it should give you an idea of how things will look ( also the move would be cancel-able after the second frame so you could combo moves quickly, this is just how it would look if it returned to the idle anim). Feel free to let me know what you guys think. 

For the H-anims, I was trying to figure out how I want to go about them. I like games that have a good amount of unique enemies that all have unique H-anims, but I also wanted to showcase Rena getting gang banged since there's already going to be a lot of 1 on 1 scenes in the virtual pet and Battle Fuck RPG portion of the game. So I figured I could have different thugs that all have the same body type, but different clothes so you could tell them apart when fighting, but so I could also use the same models during H-anims. This way I can have it always be a mystery on which h-anim will appear when they approach Rena and can have gang bang animations appear without having to worry about making several unique animations for all the combinations.  Also in the event where Rena loses all her health around a group of enemies, I think it will be fun watching them take turns gang banging her in several different positions.I still want to find a way to have it also display some of the solo anims too. I'm thinking of adding a lust gauge for enemies so that they'll have to recover afer cumming or something so that way you might see some of the solo anims while other enemies are recovering. It's not set in stone, but definitely something I want to play around with. I plan to have some unique animations too, especially once I finalize how the bosses will look and some for the rest areas where Rena can prostitute herself for extra cash, but let me know what you guys think about this idea.

Gang bang scene concepts

I also wanted to rework the sex scene UI sprites as well. I wanted to add a medium speed so instead of having the buttons with the words for the speed, I decided on having icons show it using Rena's face and a little meter. I think it makes the UI look a little more fun without taking up too much space. Let me know what you guys think about it. I might add a button that hides the other buttons if people think they're too big haha


So besides the stuff I did for GG and Renapet, I've been plugging away at some of the bigger sprite animations I want to do. They are still very WIP tho, but hopefully I'll get a couple out before the month is over. I also want to finish the Chloe Valens hip shake anim too so I'll probably try to finish that by next week. 


Got some good work on the Majin 21 set done. It's really close to being done, but there's just a lot of small things for each of the pics I need to fix on it so it's still going to take a while. I also still want to finish the 2 paintings I started of Rena and Aster. Aster is turning into an image set with variations since I wanted to add some tentacles, so it'll take a bit longer to finish, but the next Renamon one should be out in the next day or two. 


So I still want to tie up all the loose ends of my misc. work before I start revving up stuff for GG and Renapet, so I'm going to work on finishing those for this coming week. I also wanna do more sketches and practice drawing more consistently so I might be posting more sketches soon as well. Hope you guys look forward to seeing my work soon!

Have a great week!

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