Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December 19th Weekly update! Pome release and lewd game jams!

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the silence as of late, things have been developing pretty slowly but I'm still working on stuff.

The lewd game jam hosted by "you're waifu" concluded last week. For that jam I made the proof of concept demo for the game "Pome". It's still in the very early alpha stages, and it's kinda buggy too, but it's up on my itch.io page and I will be developing it further early next year. I already have all the pixel art done for the most part so I'll get it done eventually since I already committed to the project.
Download Pome here 
There's also another lewd game jam hosted by Sephrit that ends at the end of the month, and I figured I'd contribute to it as well. This time I'm going to make an endless runner game that's inspired by Jet Set Radio named "Getter Graphiti". You'll play as a girl named Mui, who has to avoid police while picking up spray cans and spraying sexy graphiti all over the city. If you run into the police, they'll start an H scene with Mui, and if they fill the pleasure bar they'll cause Mui to cum. You don't have any health, but getting caught slows you down and there's a police car chasing you so if the police car catches up to you, it's game over. So mashing out of H scenes before they trigger the cum animation is vital. I wanted to focus on a smaller character this time, and I'm gonna try using a more western style for the art. Here are some of the sprites I've done for the game so far:
Mui Character sprites

Enemy concepts
Hopefully I'll get it done in time. I might run into some problems since I'll be having family come for the holidays, but I'm going to try my best to get it done.

Also, I think doing a project every two weeks is actually helping me a lot. I feel like without a deadline, I always procrastinate to do things since I always have the mentality of "I'll improve later down the line, so I'll do the work then so it'll be better". I think this is what leads to a lot of my games stalling out. But by committing to small projects with a set deadline, I feel much more pressure to get things done in a timely matter, even if things don't look perfect. Through this I'm able to improve a lot of my skills all at once, and also it helps me restructure my process of making games so I can make them faster each time. For example, getting the art for Pome wasn't too hard, but I struggled with the backgrounds and the scripting as the deadline got closer and closer. So for Getter Graphiti, I'm going to start with getting he code done first, and then doing the art last since it can throw the art together at the last minute if necessary and still have everything working. I know it might be better commit to one project at a time and work on that constantly, but it's just fun to be able to get ideas out there without having to chain them to a big project and I'm enjoying devving a lot more because of it.

Well that's it for now. Time to get back to working on things. Once this second game jam is finished, I'm probably going to take a small break from projects so I can work on some skills and find a job finally, but we'll see how things play out.

See you all next week!


  1. Hey, how's it going? I just played the demo for Pome. I thought all the animations were great. The movement of her ass cheeks and her breasts swaying were perfect. Great job.

    The sprites for your endless runner look awesome. Can't want to see those animated.

    And I don't think anyone would turn down an innovation for sex from a milf in a santa outfit. heh heh

    Anyways keep up the good work man. *thumbs up*

    1. Hey Tetsuya! Thanks for the positive feedback! ^-^ hope you keep up the good work too!
