Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2nd weekly update! Back to work!

Happy October everyone!

Now that I'm back from my family vacation I can get back to work on things. I don't have anything really to show for this week since I wasn't able to work on much, but things with the demo are going well and I should have some drawing coming up for you guys soon too. I did finish a little Marie doodle since I was testing out a new inking brush: 

Main thing left for the demo is getting the U.I assets done and getting it coded up and ready. After that it'll be adding the speed mechanic in and then once all the tools have been built I'll design a basic level. Once again it won't be anything mind blowing, but I think it'll give a good handle on the project and it's direction.

Also if you haven't already, you should check out Zell23's Forest of the blue Skin. It's a platformer where you fight and collect monster girls. Each of them have a unique way of being captured, from simply defeating them to satisfying them in some way, and there are a lot of them so the game has a lot to offer. The sprite work is also great too, I highly recommend the game.

The game is also FREE so go give it a download from his blog:

There's also a guide if you get stuck or have trouble in, or downloading, the game here:

Forest of the Blue skin Bunny boobjob screen shot
And that's pretty much it. See you guys next week and I hope you look forward to the Usagi Star demo!